Press coverage
2023 Hong Kong Emerging Brand Awards
Hong Kong Brand Development Council
How To Dress For Lunar New Year : Our Guide To Chinese New Year Outfits and Clothing
The HK Hub - February 02, 2024
【香港品牌】Qipology糅合傳統與潮流 為百年旗袍注入時尚魅力
HKET 香港經濟日報 - December 13, 2023
【香港品牌】吸納年輕時裝人才增設計特色 擴闊顧客年齡層
HKET 香港經濟日報 - December 13, 2023
將「旗袍」融入休閒風 配搭波鞋、牛仔褲一樣時尚
Metro Pop - March 09, 2022
個人化旗袍 呈現時尚性感美
Metro Pop - March 03, 2022
The Chicest Hong Kong Womenswear Brands to Add to Your Wardrobe
CSP Times - February 13, 2022
本地旗袍設計師破格聯乘威士忌 新舊融合變出剛中帶柔的夏季酒釀
HK01 - June 23, 2022
"清新旗袍設計 不失中式韻味"
特色旗袍晚裝 夏日清新造型
Wen Wei Po - July 13, 2022
Ritzy Chat: Julie Liu, founder of Qipology
Ritzy - June 01, 2022
旗袍生活化 展現女性美
信報 - February 26, 2022
本地設計|環保加傳承 Julie Liu延續旗袍生命
星島日報 - February 21, 2022
Get your best fit at these women’s tailors in Hong Kong
Honeycombers - February 16, 2022
讓旗袍走入日常 中西合璧 東方服飾時尚化
明報 - February 03, 2022
Beauty Exchange - July 29, 2021
U秀幫: 旗袍日常化
RTHK - January 21, 2021
細說旗袍 花樣年華
NowTV Finance - December 16, 2020
旗袍不老土! 80后香港設計師創旗袍時裝品牌 傳承中過文化服飾
Our China Story 當代中國 - December 09, 2020
香港製造 不只是標籤
彭博商業周刊/中文版 - November 11, 2020
Fusing nostalgic elegance and chic modernity
The Standard
【點好專訪】香港本地旗袍設計師Julie Liu
Tap2World - October 27, 2020
【復古穿搭】80後女設計師打造新派旗袍 9個月極速回本
HKET - September 29, 2020
80後時裝買辦 創訂造時尚旗袍店 一年回本 月收6位數
iMoney Focus - September 26, 2020
回流80後開創時尚旗袍店一年已回本 創立人:最初要約客人到酒店洗手間試身
iMoney Focus - September 26, 2020
"我希望更多的人对旗袍感兴趣; 因为它们很适合日常穿着, 所以我利用各种颜色和版型;设计出更具有现代感的旗袍。"
因为一场婚礼, 她从买手变成了旗袍品创始人
Instituto Maragoni - February 15, 2019
"“It was the first time I had worn a qipao and I never expected to feel so elegant. I was automatically standing taller and felt more confident. I thought, what is there to lose – there is a gap in the market for young people to find qipaos they want to wear.”"
Qipology’s Julie Liu on creating affordable qipao dresses for the modern woman
South China Morning Post - January 24, 2019
My Hong Kong Wedding - December 05, 2018
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